Monday, August 15, 2011


Not to "plant a bummer" on all of you..... but.......

The planet Earth can only comfortably sustain a world population of 500Million to 1Billion.  We currently have around 6Billion people.  In 50 years we will have around 12Billion.

......  Remember the fly's in the jar experiment?

Either the world population has to stop and reverse, or we are in real trouble......

The Solent Green and Zombies movies?  They are coming!

BTW, Zombies are real, during the Dark Ages and the Black Plague which lasted for 400 years, people who thought were dead, but had just passed out from the disease, were pushed into pits of dead people, only to wake up and try to get out, mumbling and groaning and not able to talk, they would be pushed back into the pits and set afire!  (This could happen again, primarily in countries still in the Dark Ages!)

OR..... a really big war......

Here's another "funny" note about the "Dark Ages", religious leaders feared cats!  They thought they were sent from Satan and brought the "Black Plague", along with witches and other superstitions.....  SOooooo, virtually all the cats were killed that they found, during the Dark Ages, which (as we have some idea, but have not learned, how species affect other species and "Circle of Life" and etc.) when that was done, the rats, who carried the fleas, who bit the victims of the Black Plague..... those rats multiplied beyond normal numbers (no cats as predators!)!

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